Monday, 13 October 2008

Where are all the games?

It only took me three games to realise I can't keep up to the game a week thing.
It is so much more work than I envisioned.

Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting, but I have to change the premise.

I'll be putting up games whenever I can, but it won't be regular, and it won't be 52 in a year.
(When I was inspired by Mindy, I should also have been inspired by her putting up things she wanted to make, not make things to meet a deadline & quota).

Kinda guts this whole learning experience I know, but with work & life (thanks to having a wife, I happen to be a lot more social then when I was a lazy student!), I just can't put the time into this project it needs.
Before anyone I know speaks up, don't worry, I know, I would have made other excuses back then too! (But this time, I mean it!)

At the very least, I hope to be able to put up at least one or two games that meet the original goals of a complete game, which means I need to someday figure out how to fix sound in python-ogre for linux.

One or two good, polished games would make me happier that I didn't fail here (well, not completely at least!).

I am still open to good game ideas too.
I have a couple, but most of them are too big for me to work on in my spare time.